Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin


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Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin is again a quick, easy and low-calorie recipe. The recipe was created by me and does not belong to anyone’s cuisine, nor is it made by Jamie Oliver or whoever. 🙂 Cauliflower is extremely low in calories – only 25 kcal per 100 g. It is a member of the cabbage family and 100 g contains 20% of the average daily dose of vitamin C you need.

Cumin is a spice that has been known for thousands of years and is said to correct cholesterol levels, help with weight loss and the fight against diabetes, and improve sexual performance. However, it is not clear at what therapeutic doses these amazing effects would be achieved 🙂

I also put a sprig of leek in my Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin, as well as allspice, black pepper, and bay leaves. I put the whole spices (the cumin I put in is ground) in a special metal container with kind of mesh walls, so that I don’t have to look for them later in the pot to remove them before pureeing.

I didn’t add fat on purpose, but if you want you can add oil or even better butter.

Products (for 6 servings)

1 head of cauliflower (about a kilo or something)
1 sprig of leek (preferably the white part)
2 tsp cumin (ground)
3 bay leaves
5 grains of spice
10 grains of black pepper
2 tsp salt

Preparation of Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin

I cut the cauliflower into large pieces. Everywhere it gently says to divide it into florets, but this is a tedious task and if I’m going to boil and puree it, I don’t see who needs the florets 😀

I cut the leek into slices. As I said, I put the whole spices in a net and put them in the pot, then I added the cauliflower and leeks. I also added the cumin and salt.

I poured water so that the products were covered and boiled for about 30 minutes after the water starts boiling. I tested the readiness of the cauliflower with a fork, it should be well-cooked.

Before pureeing, you should decide how thick you want the soup to be and pour off or add water accordingly. I puree until, well… until it is pureed 🙂


Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin is served warm to hot, but still eatable. Toasted baguette slices may be offered.

Nutritional Values Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin (1 serving)

Total calories: 120 kcal.
Carbohydrates: 6 g.
Fat: 2 gr.
Proteins: 6 g.

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