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Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin
24.03.2024No One's SoupsCreamy Cauliflower Soup with Cumin is again a quick, easy and low-calorie recipe. The recipe was created by me and does not belong to anyone's cuisine, nor is it made by Jamie Oliver ...
Green salad with radicchio and tuna
24.03.2024No One's SaladsGreen salad with radicchio and tuna is something I threw together on the fly, as a result of my week wish to take less calories and what was currently available in my fridge. It doesn ...
The Druids – what actually do we know about them?
22.12.2023AntiquityDruids were a high-ranking class of educated people among the ancient Celts who acted as priests, teachers, and judges. The word "Druid" comes from a Gaelic word that can mean "knower of the oak ...
Jungfrau and The Top of Europe
22.12.2023SwitzerlandThe Jungfrau and the Top of Europe are two strongly connected names. The Swiss Alps are home to some of the most spectacular scenery and natural wonders in Europe. Among them, the Top of Europe ...